Trusted Legal Representation Since 1972

Year: 2014

Criminal Records Expungement

Effective January 1, 2015 Minnesota law on criminal expungement will change making it easier to expunge criminal records and allowing the petitioning party to expunge a broader set of records than previously possible. There are three big changes. First, law...

Child Custody in Minnesota

What is the Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody?When two parents decide to no longer live together, decisions and arrangements need to be made regarding how the parents will raise the children when living in two different households and how they will divide...

Power of Attorney

As of January 1, 2014, there is a new Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney in Minnesota. The new form only affects documents signed after January 1, 2014, so if you have a power of attorney executed before that date, your document is still valid. However moving...
